
Being silent is pointless. Being self conscious and shy is pointless. Shame, regret, guilt, all retroactive emotions that chase you from your past, fighting to stay relevant as they rush to escape a place that no longer exists. Do not let them contain you. You have nothing to fear here. In the ultimate marketplace of ideas we are free to transmit and receive as we see fit. This is the hive mind we feared and the singularity we have hoped for. For the first time the world is talking, for your own sake you should join in. There are a million little boxes for you to put your thoughts in. But you don’t. Why? Because someone else will see them? Are you ashamed by your own thoughts? By the wonderfully complex and delicate and elegant thing that is YOU? People will disagree with you, argue, ridicule, insult. This is to be expected, it is the consequence of the agnostic nature of Earth’s consciousness, of human civilisation’s millennia long struggle to find the path of Right and Good. Embrace this. In putting your thoughts down on the screen, examine the product of your mind, scrutinize and correct as necessary. Likewise with the feedback of others, constructive or not. Use your innate human ability to project and empathise, you will quickly find that which divides us insignificant when held against the titanic struggle and the boundless love which unites us.

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